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Pre-paid Readings (Do NOT Automatically Renew)
$45.00 - $90.00
Week-Ahead Reading Pre-Paid per Month
Receive a video reading each weekend for four weeks. Book several months at this rate or try for one month. For a full year (52 weeks) of weekly readings, select a quantity of 13 (13 X 4= 52).
A month of Weekly Readings: $45–A $60 Value.
Monthly Spirit Message Reading for Four Months
You’ll receive one spirit message reading each month. Spirit messages are delivered using cards. Spirit Message Readings convey messages from the spirits around you. I use cards as a tool to tell you what your departed loved ones and guides want you to know. This reading does not answer questions. Please note: I do not channel spirits. I listen and pass along information. To prepay an entire year of readings, select a quantity of 3.
4 months of Spirit Messages: $75–A $100 Value.
Monthly Tarot, Oracle, or Reader’s Choice Reading (Long Reading)
You can subscribe to a monthly video reading purchased in four-month blocks focused on a specific area of life or get a general peek at what you can expect. Select 3 to prepay for a year.
4 months of Month Ahead Readings: $90–A $120 value
Week-Ahead Reading Pre-Paid per Month
Receive a video reading each weekend for four weeks. Book several months at this rate or try for one month. For a full year (52 weeks) of weekly readings, select a quantity of 13 (13 X 4= 52).
A month of Weekly Readings: $45–A $60 Value.
Monthly Spirit Message Reading for Four Months
You’ll receive one spirit message reading each month. Spirit messages are delivered using cards. Spirit Message Readings convey messages from the spirits around you. I use cards as a tool to tell you what your departed loved ones and guides want you to know. This reading does not answer questions. Please note: I do not channel spirits. I listen and pass along information. To prepay an entire year of readings, select a quantity of 3.
4 months of Spirit Messages: $75–A $100 Value.
Monthly Tarot, Oracle, or Reader’s Choice Reading (Long Reading)
You can subscribe to a monthly video reading purchased in four-month blocks focused on a specific area of life or get a general peek at what you can expect. Select 3 to prepay for a year.
4 months of Month Ahead Readings: $90–A $120 value
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