Readings by Subscription
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Look Ahead
per month
A Week Ahead Reading delivered on Sunday of each week. Readings are delivered by private YouTube video. This subscription automatically renews each month.
Look Ahead
per month
One Sunday of each month you'll receive a video reading using my choice of divination tools (normally Tarot or Oracle). This reading is a monthly forecast of possibilities using approximately 10 cards.
Spirit Message
per month
One Sunday of each month you'll receive a video reading with a message from the spirits around you. I do not choose who comes to me, nor can I answer specific questions. I am a medium, but not a channel. I do use cards to listen to the spirits.
per month
Once a month we will meet via Zoom for 20 minutes. During that time, I will consult my cards to offer guidance, advice, and show you possibilities. I am in the Central Time Zone, USA. We will work together to schedule a recurring appointment.
© 2022 Sheila Shamburger/Ladybug Tarot