Private Tarot Lessons
Lessons are 30 minutes in duration and conducted through Zoom. I am in the Central Time Zone. If you attended Enchanted! Metaphysics and Mystics Market, and received a coupon code, you may use this code to book lessons with a discount applied to your first payment. After you subscribe, please visit the scheduling form to begin the scheduling process.
Already a student? Access your customer portal.
One Non-Recurring Meeting
A quick meeting to get you on your way, give you a sample of my methods, or a periodic check-in for an established student.
$60.00 for a single 30 minute meeting
Monthly Private Lesson
One 30-minute meeting per month for guidance, practice, and discussion.
$50.00 per month
Weekly Private Lesson
One 30-minute meeting each week for guidance, practice, and discussion. Consider this option as a "Tarot boot camp."
$180.00 per month
© 2022 Sheila Shamburger/Ladybug Tarot
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