Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: September 1 to 7, 2024
Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: September 1 to 7, 2024
The Zodiac readings for this week showed a larger number of Cups or their non-Tarot counterparts than other suits. The Queen of Cups, Ace of Wands, and the King of Wands or their non-Tarot equivalents appeared twice or more. There was an amazingly high number of Major Arcana in this week’s readings. , the Fool, the Star, Temperance, and the High Priestess or their non-Tarot equivalents appeared more than once. The readings conveyed the common messages of emotional balance, risk-taking, having a positive outlook, and looking below the surface.
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This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aries sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Elevate Tarot. Focusing your energy on what’s important will be a big part of your week (King of Wands). Advice is from the Emperor. It’s time to get organized. You’ve had enough chaos. Energy flowing out of the week is shown by the Five of Cups. You may be tempted to dwell on what has not worked out for you, but that will only take energy from what you need to do.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Taurus sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Ethereal Visions Tarot Luna Edition. Looking into the shadows to see what’s been hidden will be important this week (the Moon). The cards advise you to take a risk. Jump in and do (the Fool). Easing into next week you should get a feeling of hope and optimism. It will be a good time to look at future possibilities (the Star).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Gemini sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Mystical Shaman Oracle. You may need to give something up for the good of all (the Sacrifice). Water advises you to acknowledge your emotions and go with the flow. As the week winds down, there may be some unexpected events (Lightning).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Cancer sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Modern Witch Tarot. Stabilizing your emotions and exercising maturity will be important this week (King of Cups). Make sure everyone is getting what they need from you. Equity goes a long way (6 of Pentacles). Rolling into next week, be ready to step out on a limb. The Fool tells you it’s time to take a chance.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under the Leo sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Priestess of Light Oracle. This is a good week to open up to your psychic side. Your dreams and feelings may manifest in reality (Precognition). Allow the spirits around you to guide your path (Guide). The energy leaving the week indicates new emotional connections and a feeling of well-being (Bright Heart Light).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Virgo sun, moon, or rising. It was performed with Madame Endora’s Fortune Cards. You may need to be a mediator this week. Use your knowledge of diplomacy to help others (the King). Medusa gives advice. Be appreciative and thankful for the things you do have. Jealousy will only complicate your life. Moving into next week, you may need to seek guidance from an expert or elder (the Oracle).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Libra sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Wild Offering Oracle. Allow spirit to guide your voice this week (Truth). Speak only truth but do so with kindness. Independence advises you to stand on your own feet but still allow yourself nurturing. Energies swirling around you as the week flows out are shown by Feelings. Allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself all of the emotions that come up. Don’t limit yourself to only what feels good. All emotion should be honored.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Scorpio sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Vanessa Tarot. Frugality and good financial planning will be important this week (4 of Coins). The 8 of Cups advises you to walk away from those things that do not serve you. Don’t look back. As the energy rolls into next week, you may still feel a bit trapped (8 of Swords). Let it go. Keep moving.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Sagittarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Tarot Of The Enchanted Garden. Keeping your plans to yourself will be important this week (7 of Swords). You may feel the urge to pick up a new project. Surprisingly enough, this might be a good move for you (Ace of Wands). Energy leaving the week is shown by the 10 of Wands. You may be feeling the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. Sometimes this feeling helps motivate us. Turn it into a positive.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Cozy Witch Tarot. Making decisions even when you don’t know the outcome will be important this week (2 of Swords). Figure out what you really want and choose to go in that direction. The Star advises that you stay optimistic and do not abandon hope. Energy leaving the week will pull you along with firey intensity (King of Wands).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aquarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Affirmators! Tarot. Appreciating your family and those who love you will be important this week (10 of Cups). The King of Pentacles advises you to have a responsible outlook when it comes to your finances. Energy floating out of this week and into the next is shown by the 3 of Swords. Take time to reflect on what you’re feeling.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Pisces sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Spiritsong Tarot. Moving forward with your goals in mind will be important this week (Ace of Acorns). The cards advise you to charge ahead and not succumb to the temptation to simply stop when you meet a challenge (Knight of Acorns). As you drift into next week, show yourself compassion. The Queen of Shells talks to you about your deep emotions. You are allowed to have deep emotions.