Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: October 22 to 28, 2023
Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: October 22 to 28, 2023
This week’s Zodiac readings contained more Pentacles or their non-Tarot equivalents than other suits. The 4 of Wands or its non-Tarot counterparts appeared several times. The Major Arcana showed heavier than we see in a typical week. Death or its non-Tarot equivalents appeared in three readings. The Devil, Fool, Empress, Temperance, Star, and High Priestess or their non-Tarot equals turned up more than once. Overall, messages were primarily focused on balance or control, happiness and hope, and change or transition.
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Please note, there may be Magick Planet or Amazon affiliate links to the decks used in the readings. These are for the convinience of my readers who are interested in purchasing the decks I use.
This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aries sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Sawyer’s Path Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by Death. Changes and transitions may be difficult this week. Advice is shown by the 6 of Cups. Don’t fixate on the past. Accept the now and move forward. Possibilities are shown by the Page of Pentacles. Be confident you will find your path. It’s too early in this new part of your journey to plan, so the best you can do is consider possibilities for what’s next.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Taurus sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Magical Spirit Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by The Voyager. Coming full circle will be important this week. Advice is from The Mind. Pay attention to your moods and plan accordingly. If you know you aren’t going to respond well to a situation, make other plans…however, if you know an event is exactly what your soul needs, that is where you need to be. Possibilities are shown by the Goddess of the Sea. It’s possible you will find your ego in charge as you try to move backward. Consider which direction will provide growth.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Gemini sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Book of Shadows So Below Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the King of Pentacles. Control will be important this week. Advice is shown by the Fool. You may feel as if you made a bad choice. Don’t allow this to dictate how you proceed. With control issues in the picture, you may want to be more careful as you move forward. Possibilities are shown by the 3 of Swords. Disappointment and grief may be possible. Let yourself feel the things you need to feel so that you can move on.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Cancer sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the Magician. Taking control of your situation will be important this week. The Tower Reversed gives you the advice to look at things from a positive viewpoint. Turn things around and be optimistic when you may feel the urge to sink into pessimism. Possibilities are shown by Death. Big changes are on the horizon. Be ready to meet them with your glass half full.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under the Leo sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Wisdom of Hafiz Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Transform. Change is important this week. Advice is given by Ask for Help. Don’t try to do everything yourself. There is no shame in asking for help, especially in times of transition. Possibilites are shown by retreat. You may benefit from some time alone. Take time to step back and consider what’s transpiring and how to meet the changes.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Virgo sun, moon, or rising. It was performed with the Witching Hour Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Witching Herbs. Nutrition and healing foods will be important. Advice is shown by Bathing in the River. Your focus should be what you need. Take care of yourself mentally and physically. Possibilities are shown by Midnight Moth. Watch out for distractions. You may head in the wrong direction if you don’t sort through the consequences before you take action.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Libra sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Fool’s Wisdom Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by the Fool’s Tax. You will learn from mistakes this week but that’s okay. The advice is to be grateful for what you have and what you’ve learned (The Thank Fool). Possibilities are shown by the Hope Fool. You have reason to hope for a better outcome than the one you are imagining.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Scorpio sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Everyday Witch Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the 5 of Pentacles. You may be dealing with financial struggles or a feeling of impoverishment. Advice is to approach your situation with steady, balanced emotions and not lead with your heart (the King of Cups) Possibilities are shown by the Ace of Swords. You may find a new way of looking at something or a new solution to a problem. Remember to use your logic as the cards advise.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Sagittarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Tarot for Kids. A theme of the week is shown by the Knight of Coins. Planning and looking to the future will be important this week. Advice is from Balance (Temperance). Focus on the things that need to heal. Your mental and physical well-being should be your immediate focus. Possibilities are shown by the 5 of Cups. You may need to turn your emotions to the things you have, and not be fixated on what you believe you do not or no longer have. Remember BALANCE is in your best interest.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Spirit of the Animals Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Sea Otter. Contentment and happiness will be important this week. Focus on the beauty in your life and allow it to transform your mindset (Swan). Possibilities are shown by Lynx. You may be brought into someone’s confidence. Hold on to the knowledge you’ve been given and keep the secret you’ve been entrusted with.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aquarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Stargazer Playing Card deck. A theme of the week is shown by the 10 of Diamonds. Contentment and security are important this week. Advice is shown by the 8 of Diamonds. Investing in yourself will bring returns this week. This may be financial, educational, or simply a reward for yourself that creates a sense of well-being. Possibilities are shown by the 4 of Clubs. Success and happiness are possible, and sharing enjoyable experiences with friends could be the best part of the week.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Pisces sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Healing Spirits Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Be Like Your Spirit Guide. Finding your guide and imitating their basic characteristics may help you with important tasks this week. Advice is shown by You Came to Serve. Remember that you are not here for your selfish goals, but to help others through this life. Live your destiny. Possibilities are shown by Listen to the Voice Within When It Persists. Your intuition will be strong this week…listen and follow where it leads.