Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: July 2 to 8, 2023
Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: July 2 to 8, 2023
This week’s Zodiac readings contained a large number of Wands or their non-Tarot equivalents. There were also appearances from the High Priestess, the Sun, the Magician, and the Fool or their non-Tarot equivalents. There was a focus on finding joy, clearing and balancing energy, and for others conflict and anxiety.
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This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aries sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Herbal Astrology Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Saint John’s Wort. Happiness is important this week. Advice is shown by Gotu Kola. Take time to meditate, study, or contemplate your higher self. Possibilities are shown by Hibiscus. You will have a mostly joyful week. Stay focused on that and you will find what you seek.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Taurus sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Book of Shadows As Below Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the 10 of Wands. Finishing work or a task is important this week. Clear your “plate.” Advice is shown by the 5 of Pentacles. You may be feeling a little lost or isolated. Take the time to become more in touch with yourself. Possibilities are shown by the 2 of Pentacles. You may be able to find the right energy balance this week. Just take time away from what has been drudgery, as the theme card indicates.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Gemini sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Arcanum Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by Temperance. Healing and patience are important this week. Advice is shown by the Queen of Pentacles. Treat yourself as well as you would treat someone else that you love. Be self-nurturing. Possibilities are shown by the Queen of Wands. You may need to be proactive. Think through what must be done, and do it yourself, rather than wait for someone else to.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Cancer sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Mystical Journey Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Clearing Your Space. Getting rid of old or negative energy will be important this week. Advice is given by Divine Gateway. Seek sacred space this week. Be prepared to connect with the universe. Possibilities are shown by Being Bound. Something may be holding you back from truly touching the divine. Take the advice of the cards and seek out the mystical…you may need to also consider the theme of the week and clear out bad energy.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under the Leo sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Dark Wood Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the Queen of Pentacles. Being careful with your money will be important this week. Advice is given by the 3 of Wands. Take what it is you need, but as the theme shows, don’t be frivolous. Possibilities are shown by the 2 of Swords. You may be faced with a decision that you are unsure about. Choose anyway.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Virgo sun, moon, or rising. It was performed with The Pagan Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the 9 of Swords. You may have to face anxiety this week. Advice is shown by the 5 of Wands. Remind yourself that you don’t have to agree with everyone, and you don’t always have to “get along.” Possibilities are shown by the 10 of Swords. You may have the opportunity to break away from a harmful mental space. Face it head-on, and remind yourself to follow your own thinking.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Libra sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with Nature’s Whispers Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Leap of Faith. Stepping out of your comfort zone will be important this week. Advice is shown by Be in Silence. Take time away from the busy world and enjoy some quiet time. Possibilities are shown by Illumination. You may have the opportunity to learn or understand something that has puzzled you. This may be what will get you out of your comfort zone…accepting a truth can take a leap of faith.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Scorpio sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Lightseer’s Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by The Hanged Man. Looking at situations in a new way will be important this week. Advice is shown by the Tower. Embrace change, even when it feels catastrophic. Possibilities are shown by the 10 of Cups. The dust should clear from the upheaval and leave you with a more peaceful outlook. Hang in there. It all evens out eventually.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Sagittarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Firefly Playing Card Deck. A theme of the week is shown by the King of Hearts. Emotional stability will be important this week. Advice is given by the 8 of Clubs. Yes, you’ve been busy, but this week is not the time to stop. You have things to finish. Do them. Possibilities are shown by the 9 of Spades. You might have some anxious moments this week which may figure into the advice to stay busy. If you are in motion, the anxiety might not catch you.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Signs of the Times Oracle. A theme of the week is shown by Firefly. Dropping the responsible side of yourself and seeing the wonder of life is important this week. Advice is shown by Key. Watch for a new opportunity this week. Something is going to open up for you soon, but you have to be ready to take it. Possibilities are shown by Labyrinth. You may have the chance to take a trip…this may be the opportunity the advice card is telling you about. Go somewhere and allow yourself to see the wonder in the world.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aquarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Psychic Tarot of the Heart. A theme of the week is shown by the Magician. Creating your own path is important this week. Choose what you want to focus on carefully. Advice is given by Heart Chakra. Express your emotions. Even if you are simply acknowledging how you feel. Possibilities are shown by the 2 of Spirit. It is possible that you can set a daring plan into motion…consider the theme of the week and set off on your own journey.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Pisces sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Night Fairies Orcle. A theme is shown by The Night Queen. Being in charge of your own space is important this week. Advice is shown by Influence. Be careful who or what sways your attention this week. Don’t allow the wrong energy in. Possibilities are shown by Self-Reliance. You may need to take care of yourself this week…even more so than usual. This may tie into the theme of being in charge.