Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: August 4 to 10, 2024
Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: August 4 to 10, 2024
The Zodiac readings for this week showed a larger number of Cups or their non-Tarot counterparts than other suits. The Ace of Cups, 4 of Swords, and 9 of Swords, or their non-Tarot equivalents appeared twice or more. The Wheel of Fortune, Judgment, and Temperance, or their non-Tarot equivalents appeared more than once. The readings conveyed the common messages of new steps or possibilities, positive emotions, and changes or transitions.
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This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aries sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Light Seer’s Tarot. Closing the book on a part of your life will be important to this week (Wheel of Fortune). The Tower gives you advice: be ready for big changes. As you drift out of this week and into the next, the 4 of Swords brings restful energy. You will have the opportunity to unplug.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Taurus sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Earth Magic Oracle. This is a good week to work with the spirits around you. Call on Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit (Ceremony). The cards advise you to be aware of your blessings (Rainbow). Focus on the positive. As the week winds down, follow your instincts to meet your goals (Wolf).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Gemini sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Steampunk Art Nouveau Tarot. Acknowledging your emotions will be important this week (Queen of Cups). The Knight of Wands gives advice this week. Be ready to take action. Do not overthink. Energy leaving the week is shown by the 7 of Pentacles. Once you have your plans set into place it will be time to wait.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Cancer sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Druid Craft Tarot. You need to use critical thinking skills this week to solve problems (7 of swords). The Ace of Cups advises you to be open to strengthening or renewing emotional bonds. Energy leaving the week is shown by the 4 of Cups. Do not allow yourself to fall into a funk. There is more going on than meets the eye.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under the Leo sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle. The possibilities are endless for you this week. You’ll be making your own path (BuBu the Fool). Advice is given by the Root of Fire (Page of Wands). Be open to change and new directions. As the week comes to a close, embrace change. Jumbie (Death) forewarns you of extreme transition.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Virgo sun, moon, or rising. It was performed with the Illuminated Playing Cards. It’s time to wake up and view the world with fresh eyes (Judgment). The Wheel of Fortune advises you to be ready for a change of luck. Energy drifting into next week is sunny and positive. Things are falling into place (the Sun).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Libra sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Divine Energy Oracle. This is a good week to step back and take time for yourself (Rejuvenate). Listen to your body and pay attention as you will likely have a Wake Up Call this week. By the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to retreat and rest (Retreat). According to the other cards, this is a much-needed break.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Scorpio sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Affirmators Tarot. Touching base with your past will be important this week (6 of Cups). Good memories and nostalgic activities will fuel the week’s energy. The 6 of Wands advises you to claim victory for yourself. Manifest the success you want. Energy flowing into next week may bring a bit of anxiety. Head it off by reminding yourself you’ve already won (9 of Swords).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Sagittarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Everyday Witch Tarot. The Knight of Cups tells you it is important to pursue your passions this week. The cards advise you to do this by beginning or restarting a project that ignites your energy (Ace of Wands). Moving into next week you may need to exercise logic and restraint (King of Swords).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Earth Wisdom Oracle. Finding what inspires you will be important this week (Inspiration). The cards (Clear Aura) tell you to raise your vibration this week. Avoid people, places, and activities “muddy energy.” Show yourself forgiveness as you head into next week (Grace).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aquarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Signs of the Times Oracle. Balance is important this week (Yin-Yang). Water advises you to let go of whatever it is you’re holding on too tightly. You are only holding yourself back. Moving into next week you have the opportunity to participate in a joyful activity (Smiley Face).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Pisces sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck. Others may need your guidance this week (Dana). Let go of your stress. The card’s advised you to trust the process (Eireen). Energy moving into next week will bring intuitive insights. Trust yourself to know what to do (Athena).