Using Tarot Spreads

· Spreads,Informative and Educational

There is an art to choosing and using the right Tarot spread for a specific question or situation. Using spreads helps the card reader focus on and bend the card meanings to the context of the reading. For instance, the Ace of Cups will mean something slightly different as the card that represents the current situation as opposed to advice. When you decide to use a spread, determine which spread you’re going to use before you shuffle the cards. Then lay them in the predetermined positions to interpret. Below is a three card spread. The deck used is the Simplicity Tarot. The cards are the Page of Swords, King of Coins, and Two of Swords. Let’s imagine some different ways to interpret these cards based on the spreads used.

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Scenario One

Jane has come to you asking for insight into her relationship. She asks how things will go with Jon in the coming months.

Let’s look at this using three different spreads. You will note that the readings are similar because the cards are the same. However, spread positions change the interpretations.

Person 1/Person 2/Together

Person 1 would be the seeker. So, this is Jane. The Page of Swords tells us that Jane is curious and enjoys mental stimulation in a relationship. Jon is represented by the King of Coins. He is cool and calculating. Together Jane and Jon are represented by the Two of Swords. They make decisions together and rely on each other for input.


This spread is usually used to tell the thoughts and feelings of the seeker’s partner. The last card gives advice to the seeker about how to proceed. For this spread, the Page of Swords represents Jon’s thoughts about Jane. He thinks she is clever and inquisitive. Jon’s feelings are shown by the King of Coins. He is not passionate, but faithful and down to earth in his emotions. Advice for Jane is given by the Two of Swords. It tells her to make her own choices without overthinking them.


In this spread, we look at the relationship overall. The first card tells us what challenges they will face. The Page of Swords tells us that their challenges will involve keeping the relationship mentally stimulating. They might get bored otherwise. Advice is given by the King of Coins. He tells us that Jane should plan activities for them that are practical and well-thought-out. Possibilities are shown by the Two of Swords. She may be faced with choices in the future that require her to decide if this is the relationship for her or not since according to the challenge, she may not be mentally engaged.

You will note that depending on the placement, cards have different connotations. Their meanings are still basically the same, but context shapes the reading. Next, let’s look at the same cards with a different question.

Scenario Two

Bob is hoping to buy a new car. He wants to know what is possible in the next few weeks pertaining to this purchase.


The Goal, or what to focus on, is shown by the Page of Swords. Bob needs to focus on the mental aspects of buying a car and not the emotional experience. Research is needed. The challenge is shown by the King of Coins. He has not planned well enough and may not have the money for a down payment. Advice is given by the Two of Swords. He will have to make some choices about the car he can purchase without taking too much time. He may need to trim down his expectations.


The past is represented by the Page of Swords. In the past, Bob has done research about this purchase. The King of Coins is the present situation. Currently, he is making financial decisions concerning the car he would like to buy. He may even consult an advisor. The Two of Swords tells him what he may expect. Even with research and financial preparation, he will need to make decisions regarding which car or what options he can afford or would want.


The theme is shown by the Page of Swords. Information is important in Bob’s situation. Learning what he can about cars and financing is what he should focus on. Advice is given by the King of Coins. Bob needs to create a financial plan and execute it. He may need guidance. What is possible is shown by the Two of Swords. He will have to make choices that affect this purchase.

All of the readings about Bob’s auto purchase are similar because the cards are the same. However, if they fell in different positions, they were read to match the position. You will notice that the last two readings ended with the same designation–possibilities–therefore the interpretation was essentially the same.

Using spreads or not is a personal choice. However, especially for newer readers, a spread can help focus a reading and give the best possible answer.