Using Oracle Decks
Using Oracle Decks
I’ve seen many people ask what the difference is between Tarot and Oracle cards. I’ve answered that question in another post, Are All Card Reading Types the Same. So, in this post, I’ll specifically talk about reading with Oracle decks.
Why Read with Oracle?
Most cards can be read using spreads or in free-form readings. This is the same as reading with Tarot. For the most part, a card reader can answer the same questions with Oracle as with Tarot. The message comes through regardless of the kind of cards used. Oracle decks will tell their stories in a different way than Tarot, but the jist is still there.
When a card reader uses a Tarot deck, there are specific meanings and traits associated with each suit or card. To read Tarot, the reader must employ these. For an Oracle card reading, the creator may have given their deck similar meanings and traits to Tarot. Knowing and using these are beneficial for reading the cards as they were meant to be read. Refer to the guidebook for these. However, it is just as likely that there are meanings printed directly on the card, and as a general rule, deciphering their meanings is more flexible than Tarot. Readers may take the keywords, phrases, or card titles printed on the card and run with them for an intuitive interpretation without ever opening the guidebook.
Many Tarot readers feel that an Oracle deck may not be as accurate as Tarot or may only tell the fluffy, “love and light” side of the questions at hand. First, I will say that any card reading is only as accurate as the reader. It is true that every deck has its own personality. Some Tarot decks seem to be harsher than others. It is the same with Oracle decks. Some give softer readings, but can still deliver the tough news.
A few years ago one of my regular clients asked specifically for an Oracle reading on her relationship. She said she wanted a gentle message. I used the sweetest, most uplifting Oracle I owned, the Trust Your Vibes Oracle. The final card in that reading was a card titled “Let Go.” The message was there. Had I used a Tarot deck, I’m sure it would have said the same thing in a different way.

Oracle decks come in assorted flavors. There are some that are divided into suits like a Tarot deck. The suits offer a look into a category of life. Whether a deck has suits or not, they may be numbered or have no specific order at all. Most decks are illustrated and can give clues about their meaning from the colors and subjects of the illustration. Still, others are text-only. These are all choices the deck creator makes as they create the deck.
Themes are another popular component of both Oracle and Tarot. Angels, Mermaids, Fairies, Unicorns, and Dragons are common themes. Some Oracles were created to tie into the lifestyle and practices of modern witches. Others draw inspiration from deities such as Kuan Yin or Kali. There is truly an Oracle deck for every interest and reader.