The Goal Spread
The Goal Spread
The Goal Spread is used to examine your goal and how to reach it, or to find a direction when you have no goal, but need a direction. It works well with career or education readings, but can be very helpful in romance as well (where is this relationship heading). It works well with Tarot, playing cards, or most oracle decks.
In my list of services, this would be considered a Brief Reading. Go to my services to order.

Sample Reading
Sample readings are readings for actual people who have agreed to have their readings posted on my blog in exchange for a free reading.
Below is a reading done for Bryan. He's been in the same profession for just over 20 years and is feeling burned out. He is ready for a change, but isn't sure if this is the best time. He asked for a reading that would help him determine if his goal should be to make a career shift or try to expand his current career. This reading was completed using the Art Nouveau Tarot.
His goal is shown by Death. This tells me that it is time to make a complete and total change in his career path. Transformation is the overall message.
What holds Bryan down is shown by the Lovers. This is a huge decision and Bryan is afraid of the choices he will need to make. This may lead to indecision and in turn keep him from actually doing anything at all.
What lifts him up is represented by the 6 of Swords. He knows deep down that it is time to leave and move on to a brighter future. AND it is possible to do so. He just needs to acknowledge this.
Advice is given by the 5 of Swords. Bryan should be aware of possible betrayals. This may come in the form of references making false statements or potential employers not being completely honest.
Possibilities are shown by the King of Swords. Bryan will be able to find a job that will provide him with the stability and intellectual focus that he needs right now. Swords represent the legal profession or those that pertain to order, logic, communication or thought.