The Big Picture Spread

· Spreads

Several site visitors have asked what spread was pictured as a Long Reading in my services. This spread is a multi-purpose card layout designed to look at the “Big Picture.” It can be used for general, focused, or open-ended questions. Tarot or most oracle decks can be used.

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Sample Reading

Sample readings are readings for actual people who have agreed to have their readings posted on my blog in exchange for a free reading.

Desta is an established professional who has been offered a promotion within her company. This promotion will come with many more responsibilities and a move to a different state with no family or friends. She has asked for a reading about her career if she takes this promotion.

The following reading was performed with Your Grandma's Old Tarot Deck.

Past Influences

What is known (acknowledged) from the past is shown by the King of Cups. In the past, Desta was emotionally stable in her job. She felt calm and confident. What is unknown (known but not internalized) is represented by the Hermit. She spent a lot of time focused inward to solve work problems and was not very social. Outside influences are shown by the Queen of Cups. There was a lot of drama happening around her in her department. This may have distracted from her and her coworkers’ productivity.

Present Influences

What is known (acknowledged) from Desta's current situation is shown by the Lovers. She has a lot of decisions to make that will influence her career long-term. These are likely day-to-day decisions she makes on the job as well as the decision to take the promotion or not. Unknown (not acknowledged) influences are given by Temperance. She has a stabilizing effect on the people in her office. She is the one who "heals" the hurts caused by the workplace drama. Outside influences are shown by Justice. This workplace keeps Desta balanced and she feels her co-workers need her to be a mediator.

A Challenge taking this promotion will bring is shown by the Tower. It will cause Desta's life to turn upside down. She will need to start over not only learning her job but in her personal life as well. (Yes, we already knew that, but sometimes a card reading confirms our knowledge.) To meet this challenge (Judgment), Desta will need to examine what brought her to this point. Is the change worth making? From her past experiences, will she be up to this task? It's time to look at past mistakes and how to not make them again. General advice is given by the 6 of Cups. Without becoming overly nostalgic, Desta should weigh out how important her friends and family are in her day-to-day life. How big of a foundation has she built? How often does she need to reconnect to her past? What she needs to know is shown by Strength. She can do this. She has the spiritual and emotional strength to move to a new place and start over. The outcome is shown by the 8 of Cups. It is highly likely that Desta will accept this promotion and move on from her current position. This card indicates that even though there were things that she values, it is time to walk away from things that are not healthy for her emotionally. This may be in part her feelings of responsibility for her co-workers.

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