Long Past Life Spread
Long Past Life Spread
If you're feeling a little out of sync or have connections to places you've never been, you may be having past life memories. I offer this and a shorter past life reading in my services. Book a reading to find out a little about who you may have been before you were the you you are now.

Sample Reading
Ever since Solidad was a young girl she felt as if someone was missing from her life. She says that almost from the beginning she was grieving for someone she didn't even know. So, she has requested a Past Life Reading. In exchange for her free reading, she has allowed me to post it on my blog. I completed her reading using the Hanson-Roberts Tarot.
In a past life, Solidad was an inquisitive person interested in experiencing a well-rounded life (Page of Pentacles). Her family was very traditional and religious…I get a Catholic feeling, which would reflect Solidad’s current life as well (The Hierophant). Her deeper self was joyful and more carefree than careful (10 of Cups).
Her crisis or big challenge in this life was finding the “right” direction and being too easily distracted from what her family may have wanted for her (Ace of Swords and 7 of Cups). She responded to this crisis by trying to treat everyone fairly and give them a chance to show good intentions (Justice). The outcome to this was a more balanced life in her later years (Emperor).
An extra message is shown by the 8 of Cups. She left the people in her life that were unsupportive. This was probably a very difficult decision and may have led to her feeling of loss today. She can honor the previous life by recognizing and sorting through the feelings that have carried over and allowing herself to feel them. The lesson she learned was to not be too easily pushed around (Queen of Swords). Her current life is colored by the previous life in this reading by a feeling of needing to measure up to everyone’s expectations (Judgment). This seems to have been so strongly ingrained in her that it has continued to now.