Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards: Tutorial Part 2


· Spreads,Informative and Educational,Gypsy Witch

This is the second installment of the Gypsy Witch (GW) Tutorial Series. There will be links to other parts at the bottom of this entry as the series progresses.

The Anatomy of the Gypsy Witch

In the left corner of each card is a playing card inset. The card number is to the right, and below is the verse that gives us a few keywords and proximity clues. The card title is included in the verse. Below the verse and playing card inset is the illustration. The example below is the Flames, number 38.

broken image

There are several methods to read the GW. First, consider the keywords in the verse. The Flames card shows good fortune. The fire burns away bad luck, so the cards around it can be neutralized if they are negative. Positive cards are boosted. GW cards are usually read in conjunction with surrounding cards. They may be paired, like Lenormand, or stand-alone, yet influenced by other cards. The method depends on your choice. Learn to read as you are comfortable and remain consistent.

The next consideration for a deeper read is the playing card inset. Diamonds are finances or possessions and are positive. Clubs are disagreements and “bad vibes.” They are negative. Hearts are emotions and relationships. These are also positive. Finally, Spades are barriers, blocked energies, and stagnation. They are neutral.

In the example card, we see the 7 of Diamonds. Seven is a lucky number, which reinforces the idea that this is a lucky card. Diamonds are positive cards, so this is a double dose of luck. All in all, The Flames card shows the most good fortune of any of the GW cards.

You can look at any of the GW cards and break them down by their parts. As time permits, I will be working on a document that breaks each card down. This will be for sale at a nominal fee on my Etsy shop.

Follow the links below for other GW entries. This list will continue to grow.