Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards: Tutorial and Sample Reading Part 4


· Spreads,Informative and Educational,Gypsy Witch

This is my fourth installment of the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards (GW) series. I hope these articles have been helpful.

So far, I’ve shown you how to read GW cards like Lenormand, and a more traditional technique that uses each card meaning individually. Next, we’re going to add a directional component for longer spreads. Not all cards are read when you use a directional method. However, you may choose to not read directionally. This is a personal choice and may change to suit your current needs. Before picking up your deck, you should choose which method you will use.

Reading a GW Grand Tableau or Longer Reading with Directional Cues

Select the Lady or Gentleman as your Main Person Card. Lay out all cards in the pattern below. In this method, the Main Person will land at random. Your first cue will be the Main Person card. If you are reading for a male, the Gentleman is the Main Person. Look at the direction he is facing. In the original GW deck, he is looking to the left. Reading will begin to the left of this card. The reading then meanders through the spread until it comes to a dead end or circles back to the Main Person from the top, bottom, or opposite side from the start. Consult the directional chart to determine each card. Please note, these directions are based on the original version of this deck. Aquarius Wellbeing publishes new variations on Etsy, and I have a version of this deck coming out as well. You may want to look at the illustrations on the deck you use to determine direction.

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If your card points back to the previous card or is at the edge of the reading, look for a surrounding card of the same suit. When you have a card that may go in more than one or any direction, also check the cards around it. If there is a suit match, follow the suit. If there is not a suit match, follow the same color. If the opposite color surrounds the cards, it is a Dead End. If there is more than one path, your querent has choices to make and you may give them alternatives based on the next card in each direction. The reading ends after all alternatives are given. If you are using the Joker, only the most positive path is followed. Look at each card touching the Joker to determine which is the most positive.

Sample Reading for GW Grand Tableau Using Directional Cues

Carole is anxious about her career. She wants to know the outlook of her future. The Lady falls as the first card in this spread. So we begin at the top row. She faces right, so we go to the right. The Rider is the first card. It tells her she won’t wait long for changes. The Rider tells us to go right, and the Money Safe is to the right. It is open in her direction, so this shows that she is up for a raise (at least). The Money Safe would normally be a left cue, but that is the direction we came from, so we go diagonally down and to the right (the Money Safe is from the Suit of Diamonds and the card laying here is also a Diamond). The Flames is the card there. This card is the luckiest card in the deck. Carole will be able to do exactly what she wants in her career trajectory. The Flames points us up and to the right. This card is the Mouse. There may be some drawbacks or hangers-on that slow her down, but with the Flames as the previous card, these are nominal. This card ends the reading because it points diagonally up and is on the top row. Additionally, there are no cards from the same suit to redirect to.

Although all cards from the deck were laid, only a few were read due to the path the cards led us in. Next time, I will show you a Grand Tableau that is not read using directional cues.

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